CyberPals helps give those with disabilities computer skill insights

The story was originally published in The Sylva Herald on Feb. 28, 2019 DisAbility Partners, formerly Pathways for the Future, was formed in 1991 as a tax exempt, nonprofit, charitable organization to advocate for issues concerning people with disabilities. DisAbility Partners offers many services and programs to help people with disabilities become more independent. DisAbility […]

Wi-fi at WCU expands

Wireless internet access is a concern for virtually every student at Western Carolina University. Wi-fi access is a great convenience, but it is not available everywhere on campus and often has slow load times. Smart phones, tablets, laptops and other devices are additionally overloading the network.  With the increasing demand of internet access, WCU is […]

Advanced scams meet advanced protection

Technology is great when it works, but one wrong click and a nasty cyber scam can set you back a few hundred dollars.  But for a college it can cripple an entire campus community. Manager of student computing in the Technology Commons Andy Voelker talked about how WCU’s IT department handles these threats. The Information […]