WCU’s “Star Party” kicks off N.C. Science Festival for 2013

Have you ever looked up at the shimmering night sky and formed lingering questions about the universe, the planets, and the constellations that you simply didn’t understand? WCU’s “Star Party” event gave you a chance to ask those questions and get some answers, as well as gave a chance to see some amazing things in […]

Pan-STARRS Comet now visible in Northern Hemisphere

If you look up at the western sky right after sunset this week, you just might catch a glimpse of a radiant body of celestial ice, the Pan-STARRS Comet. Officially called Comet C/2011 L4 (PANSTARRS), the comet was discovered in June 2011 by astronomers at the University of Hawaii Maui College using the Pan-STARRS Telescope. […]